Off-Duty Employment

This information is provided for persons or organizations wishing to employ off-duty Deputy Sheriffs for security and traffic control needs. The secondary employment of off-duty Deputy Sheriffs is limited to those jobs that, by their nature, will not detract from the image of the Mecklenburg County Sheriff’s Office.

The employing agent must complete and submit an Off-Duty Application for approval. The application will be approved or denied based on the type of business and needs of those requesting employment of off-duty Deputy Sheriffs. This application must be approved before procuring the employment of Deputy Sheriffs.

The employing agent is paying for the services of a law enforcement officer but shall not dictate to the Deputy Sheriff(s) orders concerning the enforcement of laws. All Federal and North Carolina state laws, city and county ordinances will be enforced. Deputy Sheriffs are prohibited from enforcing businesses policies, procedures or regulations and will not do so.

An employing agent will be required to compensate the assigned Deputy for a minimum of three (3) hours despite the duration of the assignment, unless exception is approved by the Sheriff or his designee. When a request is made for more than three Deputy Sheriffs, the fourth assigned will be a supervisor.

When an employing agent decides there is a need to extend the time for a Deputy to remain at the assignment beyond that which was scheduled, and the Deputy already assigned at the site is able to work, the Deputy Sheriff(s) shall be compensated at the minimum established rate for each hour worked per Deputy. A full hour’s pay shall be given for any portion of an hour worked beyond the regular scheduled time. If an employer wishes to cancel a job, the Secondary Employment Office must be notified at least 24 hours in advance before the job begins during hours of business operations 08:00am – 5:00pm. A cancellation may be made through a job site coordinator if the employer is assigned one. If an employer fails to notify the Secondary Employment Office or the job site coordinator of a cancellation within 24 hours before a job begins, the employer will be required to compensate for three (3) hours at the minimum hourly rate.

Off-duty rates for a Deputy Sheriff is $46.00 per hour minimum for law enforcement and traffic control related assignments. The hourly rate for Deputy Sheriffs performing school traffic functions will increase to $65.00 per shift if the shift is less than one hour.

For more information, please contact the Secondary Employment Office at (980) 314-5003 or

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